What were you doing in 1981? Our co-presidents Ben & David Landesman were featured in the March 1981 issue of Impressions Magazine discussing our companies history and how they became so involved in the screen printing industry. They really grew up with the company and the screen print industry as a whole. The Landesman family were involved in a variety of businesses before getting into the screen printing business including manufacturing chandeliers, an antique shop, apartment management, and others. Gene, the father of Ben and David and who founded the company in 1949 was known in St. Louis as an inventor, is credited for developing the first power driven squeegee, a big advancement from a manual screen printing press. That machine paved the way for the many innovations Lawson has contributed to the printing business which solidified our company as an industry leader.
Find out how David & Ben came to be co-presidents, as well as why their father, Gene named the company Lawson. Click on the link below to download and read the article in full.