Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Lawson Screen and Digital provides Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all chemicals sold. Carefully read through a product's safety sheet before purchasing to be prepared. We always recommend using gloves and goggles when handling chemicals.
- C5 Screen Wash
- C7 Screen Wash
- Diazo C Sensitizer
- Dual-Cure 310 Blue Emulsion
- Dual-Cure 310 HR Green
- SBQ-1077 Red Emulsion
- SBQ-500 Emulsion
- SBQ-501 Emulsion
- ER-110 Concentrated Emulsion Remover
- LSP Red-Coat Blockout
- HR-2020 Haze & Image Remover
- HR-2001 Haze & Image Remover
- ID-SC Ink Degradent
- ID-200 Universal Ink Degradent
- ID-320 Graphic Ink Degradent
- ID-360 Ink & Stain Remover
- ID-GR9 Graphic Ink Degradent
- Methylene Chloride
- IR-303 Premium Spot Remover
- IR-303 II Spot Remover
- LW-2555 Screen Wash
- VF-184 Screen Wash
- MD-100 Mesh Degreaser
- PW-300 Universal Press Wash
- PW-305 Press Wash
- PW-485 Universal Press Wash
- PW-ID LSP-701 Ultra Wash
- PW-RC5 Press Wash
- Kleen Screen Stencil Remover Crystals
- SR-45 Concentrated Stencil Remover
- SR-50 Concentrated Stencil Remover
- One-Step Clean Dip Solution
- Clog Buster Aerosol
- Tex-Tite #1 Mist Adhesive
- Tex-Tite #2 Web Adhesive
- Tex-Tite #3 Flash Adhesive
- Lawson Pro-Tac Platen Adhesive
- Orange Punch
- Magic Clean 485
- Focus-CTS Ink
Multi-Tech Ink & Pretreat Solution
- Dynamic Ink - All White Inks
- Dynamic Ink RFU - All Colors
- Dynamic Ink Low Bleed Colors
- MCO White Ink Series
- MSB-100 Clear
- Reducer#4/Thinner DT
- Thickener Paste
- Image Lock Concentrate
- Image Lock Bro PreTreat
- Image Lock RFU Pretreat
- EJ-CTS Flush
- EJ-CTS Black Ink - SDS
DTF Supplies
- DTF Ink - Black
- DTF Ink - Cyan
- DTF Ink - Magenta
- DTF Ink - Yellow
- DTF Ink - White
- DTF Ink - Blue
- DTF Ink - Green
- DTF Ink - Orange
- DTF Ink - Red
- UV DTF Ink - ALL Colors & White
- DTF - Cleaning Solution
- UV DTF Ink - Maintenance Solution
- UV DTF Ink - Varnish
Lawson - POSink for Film Output (Epson)/US Screen
- Ulano Red Blockout
- No. 23 Gel Degreaser w/grit
- No. 3 Mesh Degreaser
- No. 4 Stencil Remover Liquid
- No. 5 Stencil Remover Paste
- No. 10 Extra Heavy Blockout
- No. 60 Screen Filler Blockout
- No. 65 Screen Filler Blockout
- CDF Capillary Film
- Sta-Sharp Adhering Liquid (Prior to 02-2014)
- Sta-Sharp Adhering Liquid: VOC-Free
- Sta-Sharp S3S Knife-cut Film: VOC-Free
- 925 WR Diazo Sensitizer
- 925 WR Color Additive
Ulano Emulsions
- Blue
- Proclaim Emulsion
- Proclaim EC
- 569 Diazo
- FX88 Diazo
- DLX Dual-Cure
- RLX Dual Cure
- TLX Dual-Cure
- QX-1 Emulsion
- QX-5 Red Emulsion
- QX5 Blue Emulsion
- LX 630 Dual-Cure
- LX 660 Dual-Cure
- LX 680 Dual-Cure
- LX 690 Dual-Cure
- 925 WR
Agfa - Digital LED/UV Ink
- Agora S1.2 - Black
- Agora S1.2 - Cyan
- Agora S1.2 - Magenta
- Agora S1.2 - White
- Agora S1.2 - Yellow
- CUR-FS 001 Flushing Solution
Albatross/Expert Products
- Alba-BRO DTG Pretreat Spray
- Alba-PRE DTG Pretreat Spray
- Scorch Remover
- Spot Lifter II
- VLR (Vinyl Letter Remover)
ChromaBlast Ink
International Coating Inks
- 900 Nylon Catalyst
- IC-100 Optilux Coupler
- IC-505 Optilux Reflective Plastisol Ink
- IC-900 Catalyst
- 3802 Foil Resist Additive for Plastisol
- 3804 Low Cure Additive
- Heat Transfer Powder
- IC-3801 Foil Adhesive
- Tex-Bond Adhesive
- Tex-Bond Aerosol Activator
- Toner Aide
- Blockout Pen - Blue
- Blockout Pen - Green
- Transfer Foil
- Camie 610 Silicone Release Spray
- Viper Plastisol Remover
- Epson Polyester DTG Pretreatment Solution
PMI Tape