Silver-Jet Customer Page
Here are some support Videos and Tech Sheets regarding the Silver-Jet.
Note: the Silver-Jet has been made over the years in 3 versions - primarily it is just the structural design that has changed over the years. Most components and all spray principles have remained the same.
So be aware of which unit you own, as not all information will apply exactly to your particular sprayer.
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Silver-Jet General Maintenance Guide
Silver-Jet Wiring Diagram
Silver-Jet Troubleshooting
Silver-Jet Troubleshooting Uneven Spray Patterns
Instruction Videos
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Silver Jet V2 Pre-Treat Sprayer Overview

David does a walk through on the features, and how to care for the Lawson Silver Jet V2 DTG Pre-Treat Sprayer.
Silver-Jet Component Parts Identification
This video will show you the major electrical components on the Silver-Jet.
No matter the design of your Silver-Jet, the components are the same.
Silver-Jet Drive Wheel Adjustments
Learn how to adjust the drive tension so your spray head travels at a consistent speed.
Especially on new installations, the drive wheel tension may need to be adjusted.
Lawson Pre-Treat Instructions
How to use and operate your Pre-treat sprayer
Silver-Jet Replacing the Spray Head
How to Replace the Spray Head
Silver-Jet Cleaning the Spray head
How clean your Silver-Jet Pre-Treat Sprayer spray head
Pre-Treat Drawer Maintenance & Replacement
Basic Maintenance of your drawer slides; and how to change a pretreat drawer slide if it gets too sticky.
Pre-Treat Maintenance-Teflon Spray
Use a Teflon spray to keep pretreat fluid from building up on the interior of your unit. Make cleaning quicker and easier.
Pretreat Fluid Weighing
How to weigh your pretreat fluid to get the right amount deposited on your garment
Curing Pre-treat & DTG Ink w a Heat Press
Cure Pretreat solution with a heat press