Top 5 Reasons to Use a Ink Catalyst

Top 5 Reasons to Use a Ink Catalyst

In this blog, we list the 5 top reasons why you should be using a

Top 5 Reasons to Use a Screen Printing Plastisol Ink Catalyst

Make t-shirt or nylon jacket printing much easier by using the correct tools and supplies for your prints.

1. Add to a standard plastisol ink when printing on Nylon Jackets.

You'll need the addition of a plastisol ink catalyst in order to achieve a chemical bond between the ink and the nylon. If no plastisol catalyst is added to the ink, the ink may adhere, but only slightly, and any mechanical abrasion will cause the ink without catalyst to rub off the nylon. Furthermore, by adding the catalyst, you will ensure a full cure of the plastisol ink, as the catalyst continues to post cure after heating in the dryer.

2. Plastisol ink catalyst Reduces double inventory

By using a separate t-shirt ink catalyst you don't have to stock a separate ink system for printing on nylon. If you don't purchase plastisol catalyst separately, then you are forced to stock two completely different lines of ink: one for printing on t-shirts, and a different ink for printing on nylon jackets. Why not save the money and just stock one line of general purpose plastisol ink?

3. It's less expensive to purchase the catalyst separately than when combined with nylon ink.

Not only do you gain the advantages of reduced inventory, but you'll also save a lot of money too. Nylon jacket ink costs substantially more than a general purpose silk screen plastisol.

4. Use for specialty applications like when printing on flags, banners, knapsacks, bags, leather, flock adhesive and more.

By purchasing a separate plastisol catalyst, you can now use your general purpose plastisol in a variety of specialty printing applications.

5. Aids in post curing where the initial cure results are going to be questionable.

Most printers are afraid of scorching, burning or melting nylon jackets. They are thinner and are most heat-sensitive than t-shirts. As a result, most printers run the risk of under curing the ink. However, if you use the plastisol catalyst, it almost guarantees the ink will properly cure. As the catalyst will continue to post cure, as long as the dryer temperature reaches 300-F.

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