Equipment Service & Parts Support

Find comprehensive support for your Lawson equipment and digital printers, including FAQs, instruction manuals, parts, and maintenance packages. You can also request support, register pre-treat machines, and access DTF printer and powder shaker parts.
Lawson in Saint Louis, MO is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Central).
Lawson in Marietta, GA is open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Eastern).
Customer pick-up hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM (Local Time)
Lawson Machine Support
Submit a support ticket for Lawson brand equipment. (Not digital equipment)
Digital Printer Support
Submit a support ticket for digital printers and software. (Not Lawson manufactured equipment)
Support FAQ
Frequently asked questions.
Maintenance Support Packages
Support packages for Lawson products over 5 years old or for used equipment.
Lawson Textile Equipment Parts
Get parts for Lawson equipment.
DTF Printer and Powder Shaker Parts
High-quality DTF printer and shaker-baker powder/applicator parts.
Lawson Pre-Treat Equipment Parts
Replacement parts for Lawson pre-treat sprayer.
Instruction Manuals
Instruction manuals for a wide array of Lawson machinery.
Ink and Supply Support
Submit a support ticket for ink and supply support.
Register Your Pre-Treat Machine
Register your Lawson Pre-Treat Machine here.
Virtual Solution Center
Get face-to-face support online.