Plastisol Ink Tips: Reduce Plastisol Ink Build Up

Plastisol Ink Tips: Reduce Plastisol Ink Build Up

Do you struggle with having to stop screen printing frequently to clean plastisol ink off the back of your screen?

Discover these expert tips to prevent ink buildup and keep your t-shirt printing process smooth and efficient.

Ways to Reduce Plastisol Ink Build Up

Use these tips in order to get the most out of Multi-Tech's screen printing plastisol inks and reduce plastisol ink build up.

    • Regularly wipe the back of the screen with a lint-free cloth and Lawson's PW-305 Press Wash sparingly during long print runs to remove any buildup before it becomes an issue.
    • Print with properly tensioned screens. Ensure screens are properly tensioned. Loose screens allow ink to pass through inconsistently, increasing the chance of buildup.
    • Select a mesh count appropriate for your design. Higher mesh counts reduce ink deposit and minimize buildup.
    • Adjust the screen's off-contact distance to prevent excessive ink from being pushed onto the back of the screen during printing.
    • Use a sharp, hard squeegee (70-Durometer) with a moderate squeegee angle (around 45 degrees) and avoid applying too much pressure, which can force too much ink through the screen mesh.
    • Use a smooth, even flood stroke to distribute ink without overloading the screen.
    • High temperatures can cause plastisol ink to become stickier, increasing the risk of buildup.
    • A quicker squeegee stroke pushes less ink through the screen mesh, reducing the likelihood of excess ink transferring to the backside of the screen.
    • Ensure your screens are accurately registered so overlapping areas are minimized, reducing unnecessary ink deposition.
    • For overlapping or multi-color prints, flash cure each layer before printing the next to prevent wet ink from transferring to the back of the screen.
    • Print lighter colors first, followed by darker ones, to minimize ink mixing and buildup in overlapping regions.

Lawson Screen and Digital has everything you need, offering a wide selection of plastisol inks and essential tools to enhance your shop’s efficiency.

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